FinSolar -project

FinSolar project is funded by Tekes and coordinated by Aalto University, School of Business. The project is a collaborative effort by public sector actors, companies and housing cooperatives to accelerate the solar energy markets in Finland and increase solar energy export activities.  The network of over 50 partner organizations is set to recognizing the barriers for solar energy market growth and finding practical ways to overcome them. Through international case studies and benchmarking, inspiration is sought to solve the challenges in the domestic market.

Working groups are focused around concrete investment opportunities. Each of the groups represents a customer segment for solar investments: municipal organizations, companies, housing cooperatives and international business. The working groups create target segment specific purchasing and financing models that will act as tools for the decision making process in future solar energy investment cases. In addition, partner networks will be created and great emphasis will be put to communication efforts. The finding of the project will be updated to the project website:

Contact information:

Project lead, professor Raimo Lovio, raimo.lovio(at);. 040 353 8242

Project manager, DI Karoliina Auvinen, karoliina.auvinen(at),. 050 462 4727 ’

Project assistant, Lotta Liuksiala, lotta.liuksiala(at),. 044 200 8100