Why to invest in solar energy?

PSFinnwind6Despite it’s northern location, Finland holds vast potential for solar energy investments. For example, the annual amounts of energy produced can be as much in Lappeenranta as they are in Frankfurt. [1]Only the installment angle for solar panels and collections needs to be more vertical in order to make use of the solar irradiation [2]. In northern countries such as finland, the annual production quantities are more focused on a time period from spring to fall. Therefore, solar energy should be regarded as a supplementary energy production method to other primary energy sources. In addition to solar energy, the rest of the energy mix can consist of for example wind power, hydro power, geothermic heat, demand-side management and energy storing systems.

1. Solar PV and solar thermal produce energy when it is most needed

Solar thermal energy diminishes the need to buy thermal energy and solar PV cuts down the electricity bill.

At summertime, solar PV peak hours take place the same time as the electricity demand peak hours and electricity price peak hours. The image below demonstrates the peak-hour phenomenon.[3]


Image 1: Aurinkoisen heinäkuun päivän sähkön tuntihinta, Helsingin Energian asiakkaiden sähkönkulutus sekä Suvilahden aurinkovoimalan mallinnettu tuotanto.

Solar thermal collectors can be used to heat up warm water supplies, industrial process liquids or buildings. Even though annual solar thermal peaks are at summertime in Finland, there are several smart solutions for solar thermal power at that time. Warm water supplies need to be heated up also in the summer season and solar thermal heat can be used to warm up spaces at autumn and spring. Heat storage systems are a essential part of solar thermal systems. For example detached houses use water heaters to store the solar thermal energy and larger entities, such as industrial plants can have thermal storages the size of a swimming pool.

2. Brand and property value

PSSavosolar1Solar energy can be an integral part of organizational branding and marketing. Some actors even finance solar investments from their marketing budget.

Increased energy efficiency numbers can affect property value in a positive way. [4][5]

3. State and municipal actors are obliged to include environmental perspectives through Keino edistää energy efficiency directive and cleantech purchase policy recommendations. 

In addition, many municipal actors have created their own visions and guidelines to support environmental values and renewable energy.

4. Solar energy investments direct the financial flows to local and domestic actors

Even if the panels, or collectors are purchased from abroad, still approximately half of the financial flows end up to domestic actors. This can be explained by relatively high labor costs in system installment and design.

Public sector purchases should take into account the regional economic and environmental effects of energy investments. Finland spends over 8 billion euros annually to purchase energy from abroad, leading to a negative balance of energy import and export. Most of this sum is spent on fossil fuels import from Russia. [6] By focusing energy investments more towards domestic production, state and municipal actors can help to create regional employment and empower the local businesses. [7]

There are currently over 60 companies actively involved in solar energy markets [8]. The largest regional economic effects come from consulting and installation services but also production activities are on the rise.  Savo-Solar Oy manufactures solar collectors and Valoe Oy solar panels in Mikkeli [9].  Salosolar Oy has recently opened a new PV-panel manufacturing plant in Salo [10]. There is also installment manufacturing in Finland, for example by Finnwind Oy [11].

Writer: DI Karoliina Auvinen, Aalto University
Updated: 25.2.2015


[1] PVGIS © European Union, 2001-2012. Solar radiation and photovoltaic electricity potential country and regional maps for Europe. [viitattu: 27.1.2015]. Saatavissa: http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/cmaps/eur.htm

[2] Motiva. Aurinkosähkö [verkkojulkaisu]. Auringonsäteilyn määrä Suomessa [viitattu: 29.1.2015]. Saatavissa: http://www.motiva.fi/toimialueet/uusiutuva_energia/aurinkoenergia/aurinkosahko/aurinkosahkon_perusteet/auringonsateilyn_maara_suomessa

[3] Kallio Atte. 2014. Säätövoimaa Suvilahden aurinkovoimalasta [blogi]. Kuvan data: Rasinkoski Asko, Soleras. Saatavissa: http://blogi.helen.fi/suvilahden-aurinkovoimalasta-saatovoimaa/

[4] Harjunen O. ja Liski M. 2014. Not so Myopic Consumers – Evidence on Capitalization of Energy. Technologies in a Housing Market. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4989. Saatavissa: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2507740

[5] Nils Kok, Maarten Jennen. 2012. The impact of energy labels and accessibility on office rents. Energy Policy, Volume 46, July 2012, Pages 489–497. Saatavissa: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512003151

[6] Halme Minna et al. 2014. Kasvua ja työllisyyttä uudella energiapolitiikalla. Saatavissa: https://jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/bitstream/handle/123456789/43024/Kasvua%20ja%20ty%C3%B6llisyytt%C3%A4%20uudella%20energiapolitiikalla.pdf?sequence=1

[7] Puitesopimus kuntasektorin energiaohjelman ja energiatehokkuussopimusten 2008-2016 toteuttamisesta. Saatavissa: http://www.energiatehokkuussopimukset.fi/midcom-serveattachmentguid-1e04b1f46aafd924b1f11e08feff5dfca5c0f240f24/puitesopimus_kuntasektorin_energiaohjelman_ja_energiatehokkuussopimusten_2008-2016_toteuttamisesta-pdf

[8] Tekes. 2012. The Finnish Solar Cluster. Saatavissa: http://www.tekes.fi/globalassets/global/ohjelmat-ja-palvelut/ohjelmat/groove/aineistot/the_finnish_solar_cluster_2012.pdf

[9] Cencorp Oy & Savosolar Oy. 2015. Osoitetiedot. Saatavissa: http://fi.cencorp.com/ ja http://www.savosolar.fi

[10] Areva Anu. Salon Seudun Sanomat 10.2.2015. Salossa aletaan valmistaa aurinkopaneeleja.

[11] Finnwind Oy. 2015. Finnwind Fast Sun asennusjärjestelmät harjakatoille, tasakatoille, seinä- ja maa-asennuksiin [viitattu 15.2.2015]. Saatavissa: http://www.finnwind.fi/asennusjaerjestelmaet